9/15 S.S.S

Short Sale Signing
Was today.
After nine months of waiting - our house is sold - almost - the buyer signs papers on Saturday and it is supposed to close on Monday. 
I am keeping vigil until then. 
Because six months ago our house was supposed to close and the closing agent went to sign the buyers, but couldn't  because the buyer had had a brain aneurysm and slipped into a coma!  (I don't make this stuff up.) And the offer was rescinded. 
And now, finally, after many conversations with the bank and waiting and learning how to be patient and persevere - it is finished.

I feel -
Happy - because the man awoke from the coma healthy
Relieved - because we don't own a home or a mortgage
Indifferent - because the American dream isn't necessarily what life is all about
Sad - because we had awesome neighbors
Excited - because we have no idea what the future has for us

That's a lot of feelings. 
Whatever you may be going through  - may you be patient, find peace and persevere.