11/6 Brown Signs

I'm a sucker for them.

You know the signs - the brown ones along the road pointing out recreational and cultural interests.
The downside about these signs is that they don't let you know how far away the specified attraction is. 
It could be 1/2 a mile away or 24. 
Today we turned at a brown sign (my husband is a good sport, mostly) and we only drove for 6 minutes/2.41 miles
 - but still -
there is that tension of not knowing  
is it on this street 
or around this corner 
or maybe this one 
or should we just turn around?

This is where we ended up

Driven by here dozens of times, but never stopped before.
(Like I've said before - big fan of MetroParks)
The cabin isn't open at nine on Sunday mornings. 

Job Carr on the side of Tully's - odd
Of course I had to try it! (and the company name makes my husband giggle)
Found ourselves at Point Defiance
And at Owen Beach
It's fun to be at the beach in your winter jacket and beanie, right?
On the way home - saw this - can't wait!
Brown signs - Do you ignore them or go for it?