12/30 Pandiani Cabin

Our dear friends have a cabin at Lake Wenatchee near Leavenworth. We have had many adventures there over the years.
But we had never been sledding there before.
New thing – accomplished!
It was very idyllic and picturesque (pictures to be added later), as snowflakes fluttered around us as we went down the hill, laughing, sliding and splaying ourselves in the snow.
Note: We were sledding at Lake Wenatchee – not INTO Lake Wenatchee J

Good times had by all, as we became fully soaked and freezing, but we hardly felt it because the cockles of our hearts were so very warm (or maybe we were just nearing frostbite J)
Afterwards we snuggled up warm and cozy by the fire while sipping Trader Joe’s Candy Cane Green Tea. Wow, that is good stuff.

When was the last time you went sledding?