2/18 Yummers

Went to eat Yummers 2 the 3rd Power Cupcakes in Parkland - 
Yeah, I know that sounds random, but it was worth the drive out there.
We arrived a tad before they opened, so we tromped over to "Luteworld", otherwise known as the Garfield Book Company at PLU - fun, cool stuff you don't really need, but cool nonetheless.  
Random note: Explicit music was being played over the store sound system - who knew Lutherans had such potty mouths! I know I was on a college campus, just didn't expect to hear it in the bookstore.
French Toast, Strawberry Lemonade
Coconut Cream and Bacon Goodness
The owner and her cousin were recently featured on Cupcake Wars - they didn't win on the show, but they are winners in real life! We loved every single cupcake we tried. They are a little denser than most, but delicious! We especially loved the Puerto Rican Vacation (not pictured) - It is a Carmelized Balsalmic Sweet Plaintain Cupcake. 
I mean seriously listen to this:
Delicious carmelized plantains cooked in a balsalmic brown-sugar, vanilla bean glaze, baked in a sweetcream batter, with a caramel buttercream and topped with balsalmic pearls. Delicious! 
Plus, I have a thing for plantains.
The shop itself isn't much to look at and I kind of liked that it wasn't trying to be something that it wasn't. The service, the product and the authenticity were outstanding!

And to add to the randomness:
How many people in Parkland can afford to travel to Dubai?
Favorite Cupcake Flavor?