3/10 Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge

Need I say more?! His wing span was six feet!!!
Lounging before take off
Hide-n-seek ~ Can you find the three bald eagles?
It may have been a gray day, but it was totally worth the easy one mile walk out and back to see the young bald eagle up close and personal.
We saw over 20 kinds of birds including the omnipresent Canadian goose, three Great Horned Owl babies and an assortment of odd looking ducks (no pun intended).
We saw this Blue Heron catch two fish!
Birders are kind folk who share their binoculars
- if you go, make sure you bring some -
- rookie mistake - 
Hey, there's an eagle behind you! 
The view on this gray March day is a little "Road"esque. 
But also very bucolic
It's a quick 35 minute drive from Tacoma.
It costs $3.00 per family.
Bring binoculars.
No dogs, bikes or jogging. The latter being a bummer because it would be an easy, picturesque run, but I see their reasoning ~ the pounding of runner's feet would probably startle the birds.
Pro: So many birds!
Con: For most of it, you can hear the I-5 traffic.
What's your favorite kind of bird? Have a bird's eye view on life right now?