3/2 Whittier

Kindergarten is just around the corner for my son.
The school district we live in started registration this week. The thing is, my daughter attends school right up the street in a different  school district and because we moved awhile back and for the sake of continuity we didn't have her change schools and now we would like our kids to attend the same school.
So, I went to my neighborhood school, Whittier, and requested an "opt out". My son now has formal permission to maybe attend the same school as his sister - we will find out in a month or so, when the "out of district" students are processed.
Who knows~maybe we'll end up at Whittier~or maybe today was the first and last day I will have set foot in that school~who knows~and after all the paperwork I'm beginning to not care~and this is only kindergarten~uh oh.
Do you remember your kindergarten teacher's name? Mrs. Bryant