3/29 Master Nails

Needed to get my eyebrows done and since I'm not as particular as maybe I should be, I stopped in a strip mall "dime a dozen" shop.  
- Some may think me brave stopping at a random location, but really it's just because I'm lazy -
She did a great job - very quick and almost painless - almost. 
Except that I had to sit in a chair with no head support, so something that already causes a little tension, put even more tension in my shoulders.  
I must admit though - sitting in an uncomfortable chair and getting my eyebrows waxed is still WAY better than being "threaded". 
When I was threaded they did a great job shaping my eyebrows, but the sensation made me sick to my stomach and made my c-section scar ache . 
- Yes, I know it doesn't make sense and I can't explain it -
So I'm happy with my random little (literally little) aesthetician.
For a quick wax
Have you mastered your eyebrows?