8/12 Lovely Little Whimsy
I'm totally "borrowing/stealing" a blog post from a friend and ordered this.
I'm always a sucker for a good cause and adoption is a great one!
And yes I will admit it was my first time ordering something from Etsy.
What would you do to support a friend?
I'm always a sucker for a good cause and adoption is a great one!
And yes I will admit it was my first time ordering something from Etsy.
It was a great day - doing lots of this! |
What would you do to support a friend?
fully alive.
You know when you meet one of those people whom you just like and admire, who isn’t afraid to be their best self and encourages you to do the same? Like me, you may have known this person for years – since college, in this case – and you always thought she was pretty darn cool …in fact, you always admired that she wasn’t afraid to just be herself. (Are you catching a theme here?). Carina’s like a real live human magnet – people are just drawn to her and want to be around her because she just makes it easy: I’m me, you’re you, and this is exactly how it’s supposed to be. So as she and Nick have been on this adventure of not just adopting one kiddo, but now a second in a couple of weeks, along with having two children of their own, I can’t help but cheer them on. My heart beats a resounding yes, Yes, YES, because this is what Carina is made for - and you know that someone is living in the midst of what they were created to do when others can’t help but be drawn in as well.
St. Irenaeus is to have said, ”…the glory of God is man fully alive,” which is that picture of us doing and being exactly who we were created to be, so then in alignment with God’s will that life – His life in us, through us, with us - bursts forth from the depths of our being. And this friend has nailed it spot-on. So here’s a not-so-shameless plug: as they’re getting ready to meet their baby girl in just a couple week’s time, there are still bills to be paid. Adoption is expensive, bottom line, but there’s a crew of folks rallying around them, helping them out. They’re my favorite little social enterprise as of late, so support them by buying a necklace or a pair of earrings: you can pre-order the official adoption necklaceshere, or visit her etsy shop here.
I personally love this funky, chunky necklace…
And this pair of earrings (which I bought in yellow)…
And, of course, if you just want to be classy, you can purchase one of the standard adoption necklaces, like this one…
So that’s it – are you convinced?
And to continue the discussion, what gives you life? What makes you fully alive, like has been shown through Carina Lee and her adventures in parenthood?
In case you’re wondering where Canon is in this post, he’s still alive and kicking and cute as a button. We’re getting ready to go on our biggest adventure yet, as we head to Little Lucca’s for sandwiches and then into downtown San Francisco so all of the HBH’s* co-workers can meet him. Although today won’t involve a BART ride, I’m sure it’s bound to include a scream or two (from both of us) as we brave the city.
So, go buy some goods, think about what gives you life, and wish us luck!
*HBH: Hot Black Husband, in case you forgot.