4/2 10 a.m. Class

I'm not really a morning person, but my running partner is and therefore I have become accustomed to working out bright and early, even taking yoga classes at 6 a.m.
I was unable to attend the bikram class at the pre-dawn hours, so I rearranged my schedule to take the 10 a.m.  class.

It's a whole new world.
The class was 3x as full.
Usually everyone is quiet as a mouse, practicing their breathing, centering their minds or let's be honest - just trying to wake up. At 10 a.m. people were talking before class - I now know what Tinelle, Judy, Kelly and Katey are up to these days. The fact being I don't even know who Tinelle, Judy, Kelly or Katey are. 
Plus, the instructor was full of zeal - zeal's not a bad thing, I'm just not used to it during yoga. 
Or in the morning.

Ever try a different class time?