In NOLA at the Besthoff Sculpture Garden |
Just kidding, you're never really ready for it, but I'm mentally prepared.
Okay just kidding again.
How do you prepare yourself for email after email in your inbox saying - no.
Well, actually they say "No, thank you."
I've been sending query letters off to literary agents for the 60,000 words that make "If It Comes to That".
I have poured over and had others pour over my succinct little query and AWESOME story.
It will end up at the bottom of slush piles, answered with an auto-response or simply deleted.
Ah, but there is hope.
So every time I open my email there will be jittery eagerness, Is this it?!, followed by a rush of inflated hope,This is it., mixed with a good measure of dread, Not it.
Each email reveal will be followed by an emotion depending on how many rejections I receive in an hour, my kids behavior, what my husband cooked for dinner, if I went for a run, how many sweets I've had, the weather, the last book I read...
Okay, let's be honest here, you're never fully prepared for rejection.
So don't fear it, embrace it.
Embracing can look like the following:
Indifference - "Meh."
Avoidance - not opening any emails
Anger - "Who does this agent think they are?"
Self-righteous - "I didn't like the agent anyway."
Self-reflection - "I have work to do."
Sadness - "Honey, I need a hug."
Businesslike - "On to the next thing."
Antsy - "Have to write now."
Super antsy - "Let's book a trip."
Hope - "I have potential!"
I should have mentioned that embracing rejection is just plain awkward and sometimes not very pleasant (remember hugging your grandma's second cousin at the reunion or your ex-boyfriends mom at the store?)
Yes, it is quite the emotional roller coaster, but I will continue writing, which means I will continue being rejected.
Shoot, that makes me a reject.
Please embrace me.
How do you deal with rejection?